Static Terms and Definitions

Por Susan | Abr 22, 2016 | Comentarios desactivados en Static Terms and Definitions
Static Terms and Definitions

Looking for a floor to remove static? It can be very confusing when you see all of the different terms used. We have sold floor coatings for over 30 years and are rarely asked for the same thing by customers. We have therefore produced the following guide on static terms and definitions which explain the…

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Static Electricity – What is it?

Por Susan | Abr 19, 2016 | Comentarios desactivados en Static Electricity – What is it?
What is Static Electricity

We have all witnessed Static Electricity. Have you ever walked across a room and got a shock when you have touched a door handle? Taken off a jumper on a dry winter’s day and had a «hair raising» experience and who can’t remember playing with balloons by rubbing against your jumper and then sticking it…

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Unit 2 Coquet Enterprise Park
Amble Northumberland
NE65 0PE


0044 (0)1665 710393