Server Room

The Role of Anti-Static Paint in Data Centres

In today’s digital world, data centres serve as the backbone of IT infrastructure, housing essential servers, networking equipment, and storage systems that keep businesses and organisations running. However, one often-overlooked threat to these facilities is electrostatic discharge (ESD). Uncontrolled static electricity can damage sensitive electronics, leading to costly downtime and data loss. One effective way…

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Manufacturing factory floor

What are the causes of static electricity in manufacturing?

Static electricity can be a significant concern in manufacturing processes as it can lead to various issues, including safety hazards, product defects, and equipment damage. Several factors can cause static electricity to build up in manufacturing environments: Friction: One of the primary causes of static electricity in manufacturing is friction between materials. When two materials…

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Temperature for paint application

How Temperature Affects Paint Application

The ambient temperature in a room when applying Electroguard paint, and primers, is very important and should not be ignored. Perfect Temperature The perfect temperature for applying paint is between 15-20°C. This temperature range, in a well ventilated room, is optimum for application, drying and curing. Too cold We advise against applying Electroguard paint if…

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Paint pitting

What causes paint pitting?

One of the potential consequences of applying too thick a layer of paint is pitting. Pitting is characterized by many small yet deep holes on the paint surface. There is a great temptation to apply paint in thick layers. This is particularly tempting when the surface to be painted is not particularly smooth or even.…

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Five benefits of an Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy flooring is a great option for many different types of buildings and is very widely used on industrial or commercial floors, in laboratories, showrooms, schools, plant rooms and in the food industry.  It is affordable, durable, and versatile. What is an epoxy floor coating? An epoxy coating is a two-part product formed by mixing…

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Electroguard paint calculator

How much Electroguard Paint do I need?

Paint coverage varies depending on the product, the porosity of the surface to which the paint is being applied, air temperature and atmospheric conditions. Buying only the paint you need keeps costs down and is better for the environment. For Electroguard ESD paints the coverage is as follows:   Electroguard  A40 : Coverage: 10m² per…

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ESD Floor specifications

ESD floor specification

When it comes to installing an ESD floor, the main priority is to remove static and reduce the risk of damage caused by static shock. There are worldwide specifications in existence which give you comfort that your ESD floor choice is suitable for purpose.   Different industries have varying requirements and standards vary from country…

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Conductive v dissipative chart

Conductive or static dissipative?

There is a lot of confusion over whether an ESD floor should be static dissipative or conductive.  Unfamiliar with technical details, specifiers often require a floor to be conductive or dissipative, convinced one is better than the other. This is not the case and a floor should always be chosen based on the individual requirements.…

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Finished painted floor

How to ground your ESD floor

The purpose of painting your floor with ESD paint is to remove static. The paint will absorb the static charge but it needs somewhere to escape via a grounding point.   Grounding is a simple easy process.   Normally one grounding point is required for every 1000 ft2 (111 m2) of flooring. The most effective…

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Unit 2 Coquet Enterprise Park
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NE65 0PE

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